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The Three Types of TV Show You Should Have on the Go at All Times
Something to match all of your moods
I love TV. At the minute, I’m toward the end of Mr. Robot, as readers of my previous articles will know (I can’t get enough of it).
It isn’t the only show I watch, however. I wouldn’t want it to be. I’m not in the mood for an intense drama all the time. There are times I need a comfort show or others when I want to learn something new.
According to streaming-service search engine RealGood, Netflix has nearly 2000 TV shows to choose from. This paradox of choice is evident, as the average American spends 45 hours per year deciding what to watch, according to Vox.
Having three types of show on the go, as I’ll explain, helps narrow down the field of choice, enabling you to relax quicker.
A Drama Critics Rave About
Between 1928 and 2010, 89% of best picture winners at the Oscars were dramas. Critics adore them.
When I sit down and watch my drama (Mr. Robot), it feels like I’m setting aside some ‘cinema time.’ I put my lights on movie mode, put my phone down, and buckle my emotional seatbelt in.
I religiously check everything I watch on IMDb, before and after I’ve seen it. So when a…